From Songwriter to Star issue #129

Making a Musical Part 5
Bonus Interview

Q&A w/ the cast and design team behind
Nashville Children’s Theatre’s

The Gingerbread Kid

By Abe Reybold & Jodi Marr
Orchestrations by Sarah Michele Bailey


Q. Do you have a favorite song or musical moment from GBK?



I love every second of music in the show, but “Going Home” is such an earnest and earned moment, …a beautiful opportunity to let the show breathe and focus in where it belongs. And in the pure bop category, I could listen to “By My Side” on loop forever!




The reconciliation scene (“BAKE reprise”)- It’s the most perfectly beautiful music, exceedingly effective melody, and the lyrics cut straight to the heart.

“But, Allspice, perfection isn’t real.
It’s a trap that makes you feel
like your best is never good enough…
Things get ruined. Things go wrong.
We’ll do better stumbling on,
Learning, growing sometimes can be tough.”




My favorite song to perform in the show is “Bake” - it's so fun to sing that with Sarah, and there's been so much to explore and discover throughout rehearsals and shows with the whole process of “baking” Allspice throughout the course of the song! But my favorite song in general is probably “Shortcut” because it's an absolute jam!


David Murphy (DM)
(Little Boy Blue)


My favorite song would probably “By My Side” and I know I know it’s my song, but it’s sooo good. The vibes the energy from the dancing it’s got to be my favorite and if I can’t choose my song I would probably say Shortcut! Gerold kills it every time and it’s SO catchy! I’m still singing it right now! 


Q. You are an accomplished actor and frequent company member in various NCT productions for young audiences. In your opinion, what makes a good song for musical theatre? For young audiences especially?

MMC: My favorite songs to sing are ones where I finish in a different place than I started emotionally, so if a lyricist or composer gives me an opportunity to ask myself a question, or have a moment of discovery, it's such a gift.

Finding new information or thoughts or feelings between the bars keeps things fresh and fun and interesting, and helps me infuse more meaning. And this basic bitch LOVES a key change. :)

Repetition and simplicity, and ideally, some humor and wordplay. Kiddos love being in on the joke.


MM: Lively, colorful, fun, and relatable music. Simplicity of language with profound substance. Children are so intelligent and feel so big. If the language feels and communicates in a simple or playful manner, the message they will join the ride and totally grasp its meaning.


JJ: I think there's beauty in simplicity, and we communicate the ideas of these shows best when we don't overcomplicate things musically or with the script. A good story told well through music is the main thing for musicals like these, and I think the way the team used the pop styles of the show lends itself to that in a really effective way.


Q. Abe & I asked for feedback during rehearsals and workshop- What was it like to create a character, setting the mold for the songs and how they’ll be performed?

MMC: I will always defer to the experts and creators, always, but wow is it an honor to be asked and know that the question is coming from a place of genuine interest and trust.

Most of the work I do comes from long-standing, existing pieces where my job is to breathe new life into them. Getting to be part of the birth of a new (work) is thrilling. I've been at this a long time, and I'm delighted to have an opportunity to put some of my experience into honing a new work into its shiniest form possible!


MM: I was so honored (and grateful) …to be entrusted with bringing Allspice (the title character) to life. Also, there’s a positive amount of pressure. The writers did such a beautiful job envisioning and writing the show and characters, and I deeply wanted to do the character and their work/creativity justice.

I always want to bring something complex and multidimensional to characters (especially for children), but this had another layer of importance that realm.

I had a director friend once say to me, “I believe [you] always have to find the love in every character and show.” That has stuck with me, and I searched for that in Allspice, which admittedly didn’t take super long bc she is immensely lovable, and I have fallen in love with getting to know her.


JJ: It's been so special to craft these songs for the stage for the first time! As much as we bring to it, it sure helps when you've got fantastic music and lyrics like these to work with! But having collaborated and created together with almost all of this team before, it was very exciting to me to ramp things up to the next level working on an original production that we really got to shape together! That's the most magical part of making theatre to me - the spirit of collaboration in the room.


DM: LBB is such a special role! He falls into the sidekick/ best friend role that we see in a lot of entertainment today! Think donkey from Shrek or Cosmo in singing in the rain. He has this swagger confidence to him that allowed me to have a lot of fun with this role. I remember when I was thinking through how I want to play him and talking with Abe I kept saying to myself make LBB the friend that every kid in the audience wants to have or wants to be! It was such a privilege to play the role and will always have a special place in the heart. LBB reminds me of my best friend and I’m sure he made you think of yours.


Q. GBK is getting rave reviews and inquiries from National theaters interested in mounting their own productions of the show.

What makes GBK feel special to you?

MMC: Knowing that no one has ever presented this piece before, and that I got to do it every day with these incredible people. It's a true pleasure and a true honor!


MM: It turned out to be a show about a neurodivergent character, and there is so much LOVE surrounding and projected at Allspice. There are so few positive representations of neuro-divergence for children.

Growing up, I immediately think of Dennis the Menace, who really is a sweet child who simply doesn’t know how to control his impulses. But he gets such an awful rap for simply being a highly active, highly curious child who happens to do things that make adults’ lives less easy.

Children and G.U.’s (grown ups) alike need to hear the message that this show speaks. The way that message is conveyed, through the story, script, and music is absolutely stunning and heart-wrenching.

THE MUSIC. Are you kidding me?? These children get exposed to some incredible bops through this show, and they deserve that!

Also, it’s completely created by Nashville locals who have obviously poured heart and soul into creating it.


JJ: This show will always have a special place in my heart - since Sarah and I are married in real life too, it's been amazing to get to play Mr. and Mrs. together. We have always been creative partners in addition to life partners, and this show hits us even more as new parents since our son Jasper was just born in January of last year! He will definitely be singing these songs throughout the entirety of his childhood (he's already got the la-la's down)!


Rachael Silverman (Director of Production, Design & Technical Team & Workshop Manager)

I think what makes it so good is the culmination of all its elements working out perfectly together. From the writing to the orchestrations to the casting choices to the designs and their execution. It all came together sooooo well.